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Nadelarbeit III

The visual music film Nadelarbeit III [Needlework] by IMM student Magdalena Treutwein was prepared as an exam piece in the Visual Music major concentration under Prof. Dr. <link en institute institute-for-music-and-media personen sperling-heike>Heike Sperling and <link en institute institute-for-music-and-media personen schmickler-marcus>Marcus Schmickler.  Film images were generated by scratching the surface of old super 8 films with a large needle. At the level of sound, the scratched film had a new soundtrack added frame by frame, with the sounds produced by using the same needle. The film is played using a projector and the sound track is in digital format. The additional sound of the rattling projector is part of the audio-visual concept.

Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0