Requirements for the bachelor’s program in Music Theory/Aural Skills Training
Bachelor of Music / Major in Music Theory and Aural Skill Training
1. Preselection
For the pre-selection, files in PDF format with your own style copies / analyses / compositions must be submitted with the application. The following requirements apply:
- own style copies / analyses / compositions of free choice. 1 PDF file per work sample.
2. Presence Examination
The presence examination includes the following parts:
- Technical discussion about the submitted style copies / analyses / compositions as well as about the choice of study and profession (max. 20 minutes).
- Examination of music-theoretical facts on the piano: cadenza playing, basso continuo, modulation, possibly style-bound improvisation, basics of form theory and analysis.
- Listening to, naming and reproducing intervals, rhythms, scales, tone rows, chords (up to 4stg.), cadence sequences.
- Artistic presentation in instrumental major or voice and instrumental minor or voice.
a) Instrumental major or voice- Two pieces of medium difficulty from different stylistic periods of the student's choice (approx. 15 minutes).
- Two simpler pieces from different stylistic periods of free choice (approx. 10 minutes)
- A short reflective talk related to the artistic presentation.
The examination board reserves the right to make a selection from the prepared pieces.
After passing the presence examination:
Written exams in music theory and aural skill training.
Prof. Hans Peter Reutter
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0