Sound Control 1

Sound control room 1 is a classical recording and mixing studio for popular music. A recording room 100 m² in size attached to it offers space even for relatively large ensembles. The heart of the studio is our 32-channel Solid State Logic 4000 G+ console, a mixing console that has shaped the sound of pop music for decades. As recording devices, there are two PCs with Steinberg Nuendo, Magix Sequoia and Merging Pyramix software. In addition, fans of analogue recording can use the Otari MX 80 24-track tape machine. The monitor system consists of monitors from the reputable companies PMC and Genelec. And of course there are also classic studio monitors, the Yamaha NS-10 M. The studio is completed by an impressive stock of effects and outboard equipment (including Lexicon 960L and Urei 1178), as well as a basic stock of microphones. For larger productions, the excellent microphone collection of the Audio equipment rental is available (B&K, Neumann, Schoeps, Sennheiser, AKG, Shure, etc.).
Equipment Mixing console:
SSL 4000G+ Monitors:
Genelec 1032A
Genelec 7070A (subwoofer)
Yamaha NS-10 M Recording:
Merging Pyramix 6 - 48-channel
Steinberg Nuendo 4 - 48-channel
Magix Sequoia 12 – 48-channel
Otari MX 80 (24-track tape machine) Converters:
Kuhnle A/D 8192
Kuhnle D/A 8192 FX/Outboard:
Lexicon 960L (incl. Larc)
Lexicon 300
LTC M3000
Yamaha Rev 7
Yamaha Rev 1
Yamaha A3000 sampler
MindPrint DTC Mic Preamp
SPL Charisma 8Ch, Tube Pro
tc D-Two
tc 2290
Urei 1178
Amec/Neve EQ Sys 9098
Acoustic Exciter B
Drawmer LX20
Drawmer DL231 Microphones:
Sennheiser, Shure, Electrovoice, AKG
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0