Viktoria Wehrmeister
Assistant Professor of Temporal Practices
Born in Mexico City in 1968, Viktoria Wehrmeister studied fine arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf from 1990 to 1996. Her practice included drawing, sculpture, film, and performance.
As a student, she played in bands and went on tour in Germany, France, and the United States, formative experiences in her artistic development. An open, experimental atmosphere and intensive exchange with Klaus Dinger (La! NEU? Japan Tour 1996) helped her find her own voice.
With the birth of her children, life got quieter for Wehrmeister as she shifted her attention back to drawing and writing. During this period, the relationship between text, drawing, sculpture, and song became increasingly important in her work. Performances were developed and shown in various exhibitions, and her “old” childhood language of Spanish re-emerged.
In 2014, in response to an invitation from the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Wehrmeister created the musical project Toresch together with Detlef Weinrich and Jan Wagner. In 2015, their first album Comida para todos was released on the label Offen, followed in 2017 by the album Untitled. Once again, Wehrmeister went on tour, performing concerts all over the world, including in Prague, Moscow, Brussels, London, Malmö, Stockholm, and Rennes.
In 2016, Wehrmeister initiated her solo project, Decha. The first album, Hielo boca, was released by Berlin label Malka Tuti in 2019. The second album, La vid ate busca, came out in 2021, followed by performances in Paris, Vienna, Białowieżą, New York, Hamburg, Berlin, Amsterdam, Malmö, Porto, Haute Loire, Marseille, Blénod- lès Toul, and Eupen, as well as cooperations with Tapan, Khidja, Phantom Kino Ballet, and others.
Since 2023, Wehrmeister has been teaching Temporal Practices in the Klang und Realität master’s program at the Institute for Music and Media at the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf.
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de