Heiner Rennebaum
Assistant Professor for Jazz Guitar heiner.rennebaum(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de
www.rennebaum.de Heiner Rennebaum was born in 1956. After having had classical piano lessons and having learned to play the (electric) guitar as an autodidact, he started his studies of Audio and Video Engineering at the University of Music Duesseldorf and the University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf and graduated in 1983. In 1986 the City of Duesseldorf awarded Rennebaum the sponsoring music prize for being the guitarist and composer of rimaak. As a musician he worked at concert and studio productions for the WDR (West German Radio Broadcaster), Radio France and the Deutsche Welle Nordamerika (German Wave North-America). In 1990 Heiner Rennebaum quit playing concerts. Since 1990 he has been composing music assignments for e.g. the TV commercial by Bosch, C&A, Cinzano and Henkel. And since 1992 he has been an associate of the Rennebaum and Schuknecht Sound Studios in Duesseldorf. Heiner Rennebaum has continuously released CD and record productions such as rimaak rimaak on Moers Music (1985), H. Rennebaum RAPsody on 45 on Baff (1986), rimaak Back in Town on Jazzline (1987), Ray Run No Star Band I got Gershwin on Jazzline (1987), bonobo club bonobo club on PAO-Records (1999) and bonobo club remixed on PAO-Records (2000). Since 1990 Heiner Rennebaum has been teaching as an Assistant Professor for Jazz Guitar within the program Audio and Video Engineering and since its foundation at the Institute For Music And Media of the University of Music Duesseldorf.
Assistant Professor for Jazz Guitar heiner.rennebaum(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de
www.rennebaum.de Heiner Rennebaum was born in 1956. After having had classical piano lessons and having learned to play the (electric) guitar as an autodidact, he started his studies of Audio and Video Engineering at the University of Music Duesseldorf and the University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf and graduated in 1983. In 1986 the City of Duesseldorf awarded Rennebaum the sponsoring music prize for being the guitarist and composer of rimaak. As a musician he worked at concert and studio productions for the WDR (West German Radio Broadcaster), Radio France and the Deutsche Welle Nordamerika (German Wave North-America). In 1990 Heiner Rennebaum quit playing concerts. Since 1990 he has been composing music assignments for e.g. the TV commercial by Bosch, C&A, Cinzano and Henkel. And since 1992 he has been an associate of the Rennebaum and Schuknecht Sound Studios in Duesseldorf. Heiner Rennebaum has continuously released CD and record productions such as rimaak rimaak on Moers Music (1985), H. Rennebaum RAPsody on 45 on Baff (1986), rimaak Back in Town on Jazzline (1987), Ray Run No Star Band I got Gershwin on Jazzline (1987), bonobo club bonobo club on PAO-Records (1999) and bonobo club remixed on PAO-Records (2000). Since 1990 Heiner Rennebaum has been teaching as an Assistant Professor for Jazz Guitar within the program Audio and Video Engineering and since its foundation at the Institute For Music And Media of the University of Music Duesseldorf.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de