Prof. Dr. Nicolas Langlitz
Assistant Professor of Epistemology and Existence nicolas.langlitz(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de Nicolas Langlitz works as an anthropologist and science historian in the life sciences. He has written two books: Neuropsychedelics: The Revival of Hallucinogen Research since the Decade of the Brain (University of California Press, 2012) and Die Zeit der Psychoanalyse: Lacan und das Problem der Sitzungsdauer [The Age of Psychoanalysis: Lacan and the Problem of the Length of Meetings] (Suhrkamp, 2005). After a project on the knowledge culture of neurophilosophers and their work on dreams, Langlitz is currently writing about research on the culture of chimpanzees in cultural primatology. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology of the New School for Social Research in New York. Since 2017 Nicolas Langlitz has been an Assistant Professor in Epistemology and Existence at the Institute for Music and Media of the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media Düsseldorf.
Assistant Professor of Epistemology and Existence nicolas.langlitz(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de Nicolas Langlitz works as an anthropologist and science historian in the life sciences. He has written two books: Neuropsychedelics: The Revival of Hallucinogen Research since the Decade of the Brain (University of California Press, 2012) and Die Zeit der Psychoanalyse: Lacan und das Problem der Sitzungsdauer [The Age of Psychoanalysis: Lacan and the Problem of the Length of Meetings] (Suhrkamp, 2005). After a project on the knowledge culture of neurophilosophers and their work on dreams, Langlitz is currently writing about research on the culture of chimpanzees in cultural primatology. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology of the New School for Social Research in New York. Since 2017 Nicolas Langlitz has been an Assistant Professor in Epistemology and Existence at the Institute for Music and Media of the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media Düsseldorf.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de