Monika Dahmen-Breiner
Assistant professor of Communications Strategies
After graduating in 1986, she started working for Henkel KGaA in the HR department, then moved to a management consultancy in Cologne and started her own business in 1998. Since then she has worked as a consultant, trainer and coach, and advises people and organizations on change processes.
In addition to her university studies, Ms. Dahmen-Breiner has acquired many additional qualifications. These range from completing formal certification as a coach, to body-oriented psychotherapy training in Switzerland and the United States.
Ms. Dahmen-Breiner works with DAX companies, medium-sized enterprises, non-profit organizations and start-ups. She is a lecturer at the European School of Management and Technology, Berlin. Commissioned by the German Association for Personnel Management (DGFP, Berlin) and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (QuaLis, Soest), she has trained coaches for many years.
She trains people to become managers, coaches and professional collaborators in teams and projects. Her special focus is on effective and appreciative (goal-oriented) communication.
This has also led to various cooperative projects with the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media Düsseldorf.
In the early 1990s, together with the predecessor of Prof. Birwe, Prof. Haas, she already developed the Radiospiel. Prof. Haas, whom Ms. Dahmen-Breiner met through her work with the German broadcaster SWF, knew from experience that artistic productions fail more often as a result of communication problems than because of musical or technical shortcomings. The goal of the Radiospiel was to produce a live broadcast with live insertions. This required cooperation on many levels and under time pressure. This cooperation was analyzed together with the students by Prof. Haas and Ms. Dahmen-Breiner, and behavioral alternatives were developed.
The project was so successful that Prof. Roth launched it again in 2016 and in a similar setting, together with Prof. Birwe developed it further (supporting a production).
Assistant professor of Communications Strategies
After graduating in 1986, she started working for Henkel KGaA in the HR department, then moved to a management consultancy in Cologne and started her own business in 1998. Since then she has worked as a consultant, trainer and coach, and advises people and organizations on change processes.
In addition to her university studies, Ms. Dahmen-Breiner has acquired many additional qualifications. These range from completing formal certification as a coach, to body-oriented psychotherapy training in Switzerland and the United States.
Ms. Dahmen-Breiner works with DAX companies, medium-sized enterprises, non-profit organizations and start-ups. She is a lecturer at the European School of Management and Technology, Berlin. Commissioned by the German Association for Personnel Management (DGFP, Berlin) and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (QuaLis, Soest), she has trained coaches for many years.
She trains people to become managers, coaches and professional collaborators in teams and projects. Her special focus is on effective and appreciative (goal-oriented) communication.
This has also led to various cooperative projects with the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media Düsseldorf.
In the early 1990s, together with the predecessor of Prof. Birwe, Prof. Haas, she already developed the Radiospiel. Prof. Haas, whom Ms. Dahmen-Breiner met through her work with the German broadcaster SWF, knew from experience that artistic productions fail more often as a result of communication problems than because of musical or technical shortcomings. The goal of the Radiospiel was to produce a live broadcast with live insertions. This required cooperation on many levels and under time pressure. This cooperation was analyzed together with the students by Prof. Haas and Ms. Dahmen-Breiner, and behavioral alternatives were developed.
The project was so successful that Prof. Roth launched it again in 2016 and in a similar setting, together with Prof. Birwe developed it further (supporting a production).
Since 2019 she has been teaching Communication Strategies in the Master’s program Artistic Music Production at the Institute of Music and Media of the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media Düsseldorf.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de