Prof. Andreas Grimm
Professor for Media Composition
www.andreas-grimm.com Andreas Grimm, born 1962, studied Musicology, Ethnology and English in Cologne and London. During his university times, he started composing for the music comedy group Die Niegelungen. In 1995, after numerous engagements as a music critic, radio- and TV-author, Andreas Grimm developed the music concept for German comedy-variety show Die Wochenshow (The weekly news). He wrote the theme song, variations and contributed music for lots of sketches, playbacks, spoofs and underscorings. In 2003, Mr. Grimm composed his first feature score for the big-screen comedy Der Wixxer. He was awarded the German Film Critics award for best film score. He continued to write original music for narrative and comedy-variety shows (Pastewka, Käptn Blaubär, Anke, Veronas Welt, Voll witzig, Sechserpack, Liebesleben, Axel!, Ladykracher, Hilfe Hochzeit!, Schmitz komm raus, Kinder, Kinder, Fröhliche Weihnachten!, Elton vs. Simon, Zwei Weihnachtsmänner and many more), as well as feature scroes for Die Nacht der lebenden Loser (Night of the Living Dorks) and Der kleine Eisbär 2 - Die geheimnisvolle Insel [The Little Polar Bear 2 - The Mysterious Island] (arrangements only). Andreas Grimm also works in theatre, composing music for all stage versions of Cornelia Funke's youth-novels. Andreas Grimm still enjoys working as a session musician. In the past, he played with Dissidenten, the Stefan-Raab-Band (1997/1998) and his own band Fred Kellner. Mr. Grimm was the musical director and keyboarder for Lena Meyer-Landrut's concert band, winner of the European Song Contest, and the Max Mutzke Band. He is a member of the composer's club and Mediamusic NRW. Since 2008, Andreas Grimm is professor for Media Composition at the Institute For Music And Media at the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media.
Professor for Media Composition
www.andreas-grimm.com Andreas Grimm, born 1962, studied Musicology, Ethnology and English in Cologne and London. During his university times, he started composing for the music comedy group Die Niegelungen. In 1995, after numerous engagements as a music critic, radio- and TV-author, Andreas Grimm developed the music concept for German comedy-variety show Die Wochenshow (The weekly news). He wrote the theme song, variations and contributed music for lots of sketches, playbacks, spoofs and underscorings. In 2003, Mr. Grimm composed his first feature score for the big-screen comedy Der Wixxer. He was awarded the German Film Critics award for best film score. He continued to write original music for narrative and comedy-variety shows (Pastewka, Käptn Blaubär, Anke, Veronas Welt, Voll witzig, Sechserpack, Liebesleben, Axel!, Ladykracher, Hilfe Hochzeit!, Schmitz komm raus, Kinder, Kinder, Fröhliche Weihnachten!, Elton vs. Simon, Zwei Weihnachtsmänner and many more), as well as feature scroes for Die Nacht der lebenden Loser (Night of the Living Dorks) and Der kleine Eisbär 2 - Die geheimnisvolle Insel [The Little Polar Bear 2 - The Mysterious Island] (arrangements only). Andreas Grimm also works in theatre, composing music for all stage versions of Cornelia Funke's youth-novels. Andreas Grimm still enjoys working as a session musician. In the past, he played with Dissidenten, the Stefan-Raab-Band (1997/1998) and his own band Fred Kellner. Mr. Grimm was the musical director and keyboarder for Lena Meyer-Landrut's concert band, winner of the European Song Contest, and the Max Mutzke Band. He is a member of the composer's club and Mediamusic NRW. Since 2008, Andreas Grimm is professor for Media Composition at the Institute For Music And Media at the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de