Tobias Grewenig
Assistant Professor of Hybrid Sound Computing tobias.grewenig(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de
tobiasgrewenig.com Born in 1971, Tobias Grewenig studied in the Design department of Augsburg University and also at Cologne’s State Art Conservatory. He lives and works in Cologne as a freelance artist.
Tobias Grewenig primarily works with non-linear, installation-based works and audiovisual performances, including projects with the artist group Therapeutische Hörgruppe Köln [Therapeutic Listening Group Cologne], Ensemble The Knob, The Finger & The It and with the improv collective Frequenzwechsel [Frequency Change]. The conception of analog and electronic instruments is a key component of his work. Tobias Grewenig has served on the faculty of the Düsseldorf Art Academy since 2014, teaching in the subject Film/Video.
He has been an instructor of Hybrid Sound Computing in the Music Informatics major concentration of the Institute of Music and Media at Düsseldorf's Robert Schumann Musikhochschule since 2015.
Assistant Professor of Hybrid Sound Computing tobias.grewenig(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de
tobiasgrewenig.com Born in 1971, Tobias Grewenig studied in the Design department of Augsburg University and also at Cologne’s State Art Conservatory. He lives and works in Cologne as a freelance artist.
Tobias Grewenig primarily works with non-linear, installation-based works and audiovisual performances, including projects with the artist group Therapeutische Hörgruppe Köln [Therapeutic Listening Group Cologne], Ensemble The Knob, The Finger & The It and with the improv collective Frequenzwechsel [Frequency Change]. The conception of analog and electronic instruments is a key component of his work. Tobias Grewenig has served on the faculty of the Düsseldorf Art Academy since 2014, teaching in the subject Film/Video.
He has been an instructor of Hybrid Sound Computing in the Music Informatics major concentration of the Institute of Music and Media at Düsseldorf's Robert Schumann Musikhochschule since 2015.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de