Prof. Dieter Falk
Visiting professor for Music Production (in cooperation with the city of Düsseldorf) dieter.falk(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de
falkmusic.de Dieter Falk, born 1959, studied school music and jazz in Cologne, was a columnist for music journals for many years (for the journals Keyboards, Gitarre & Bass, Fachblatt MM), a piano tutoring book author and visiting lecturer at several German universities. The executive producer, composer and pianist from Düsseldorf has received five ECHO nominations as an executive producer, including for PUR, Paul Young, Patricia Kaas, Monrose, Roger Chapman and Brings. The former church musician and multiple Keyboard Player of the Year (Fachblatt Musik Magazin journal) was part of the Popstars jury for two years for the TV show by the same name on PRO7. As a pianist, Dieter Falk worked in the 1980s in the USA for artists such as Edwin Hawkins (Oh happy day), Kenny Rogers and Amy Grant. In his compositions and production work, the piano often takes centre stage and as a session musician he played piano together with Billy Cobham, Wolfgang Haffner, Lee Konitz, Chuck Findley, Till Brönner, Alex Acuna, Wolfgang Schmid and the NewYorkVoices amongst other artists. In 2011 Falk was awarded the jazz award for his CD Celebrate Bach and in 2012 the award Piano Player of the Year by Bundesverband Klavier [German Association of Piano Manufacturers]. The current focus of his work is on composing pop musicals (together with librettist Michael Kunze) and on concerts and CDs with Falk & Sons, where he 'rocks' Johann Sebastian Bach with his teenage sons. For his pop oratorio Die 10 Gebote [The 10 commandments] more than 15,000 gospel singers gathered from 2010 to 2012 in German arenas. At present his musical MOSES is running until June 2014 at Theater St.Gallen. Since 2013 Dieter Falk has been a visiting professor for Music Production at the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media and at the Institute For Music And Media. There are also plans for lectures on the history of pop songs and gospel piano workshops for church musicians. Strengthening the links between IMM with the Düsseldorf music scene, including with the Düsseldorf new talent festival, Tontalente [Sound talents], initiated by Dieter Falk is another key objective.
Visiting professor for Music Production (in cooperation with the city of Düsseldorf) dieter.falk(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de
falkmusic.de Dieter Falk, born 1959, studied school music and jazz in Cologne, was a columnist for music journals for many years (for the journals Keyboards, Gitarre & Bass, Fachblatt MM), a piano tutoring book author and visiting lecturer at several German universities. The executive producer, composer and pianist from Düsseldorf has received five ECHO nominations as an executive producer, including for PUR, Paul Young, Patricia Kaas, Monrose, Roger Chapman and Brings. The former church musician and multiple Keyboard Player of the Year (Fachblatt Musik Magazin journal) was part of the Popstars jury for two years for the TV show by the same name on PRO7. As a pianist, Dieter Falk worked in the 1980s in the USA for artists such as Edwin Hawkins (Oh happy day), Kenny Rogers and Amy Grant. In his compositions and production work, the piano often takes centre stage and as a session musician he played piano together with Billy Cobham, Wolfgang Haffner, Lee Konitz, Chuck Findley, Till Brönner, Alex Acuna, Wolfgang Schmid and the NewYorkVoices amongst other artists. In 2011 Falk was awarded the jazz award for his CD Celebrate Bach and in 2012 the award Piano Player of the Year by Bundesverband Klavier [German Association of Piano Manufacturers]. The current focus of his work is on composing pop musicals (together with librettist Michael Kunze) and on concerts and CDs with Falk & Sons, where he 'rocks' Johann Sebastian Bach with his teenage sons. For his pop oratorio Die 10 Gebote [The 10 commandments] more than 15,000 gospel singers gathered from 2010 to 2012 in German arenas. At present his musical MOSES is running until June 2014 at Theater St.Gallen. Since 2013 Dieter Falk has been a visiting professor for Music Production at the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media and at the Institute For Music And Media. There are also plans for lectures on the history of pop songs and gospel piano workshops for church musicians. Strengthening the links between IMM with the Düsseldorf music scene, including with the Düsseldorf new talent festival, Tontalente [Sound talents], initiated by Dieter Falk is another key objective.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de