Prof. Marie-Theres Englisch
Assistant professor for Piano marie-theres.englisch(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de Marie-Theres Englisch received her piano training from Friedrich Wilhelm Schnurr, Renate Kretschmar-Fischer, Max Strub (chamber music) and Günther Weißenborn (Lied accompaniment) at the North West German Academy of Music Detmold (now: Detmold University of Music). She took part in master classes with Jakob Gimpel and Thierry de Brunoff at the École normale supérieure Paris. She was given the opportunity by Sir John Pritchard (former chief conductor of the Cologne Opera) at the Cologne Opera to become acquainted with all the great operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from the conductor's perspective. The extensive number of concerts given by Marie-Theres Englisch includes Lieder recitals with IIse Hollweg and Herbert Lippert and chamber music in various ensembles. She frequently performed with musicians of the Gürzenich Orchestra, which is based in Cologne, and has also worked in various ensembles, for example, with Gabriele Schnaut, Aldo Baldin and Iris Vermillion. From 1982 to 2002, Marie-Theres Englisch was a member of the piano percussion ensemble in Düsseldorf, which, as part of a research contract of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia supervised by the former IMM professor Dr Lothar Prox, accompanied the silent film Berlin - The Symphony of a Great City by Walter Ruttmann with the recreated film music. In Lugano, Italy, this event was produced for the ZDF and the production broadcast later by ARTE. Her concert tours led her across Europe and the USA. She has also performed in Berlin at the International film festival in the Zoopalast cinema, in the Düsseldorf Tonhalle, in the Holland Festival in t'Vensterin Rotterdam, in the Asta Theatre in The Hague, in the Tuchnisky Theatre in Amsterdam, at the Frankfurter Feste in the Alte Oper concert hall in Frankfurt, in the London Film Festival in the Queen Elizabeth Hall, at the inauguration of the Goethe Institute in Los Angeles, in Stuttgart's Staatsgalerie, in Brüssels opera house Place de la Monnaie, in the Museum of Art in Atlanta, in the Musée du Louvre in Paris and at the Festpielene i Bergen in Norway. From 1989 to 1995, Marie-Theres Englisch undertook concert tours with the chanson singer Inge Brück as part of the series Künstler für Christus [artists for Christ]. From 1991 to 1998, she took on the management and execution of the chamber music concert series Kammermusik in der Scheune (about 30 concerts a year in Die Scheune and St Cäcilia church in Düsseldorf-Hubbelrath). Audio and video recordings were also taken during her concert performances. Since 2008 Marie-Theres Englisch has been a regular member of the jury for the Gedok competition, Cologne. She embraces her appointment as member of the jury alongside being on the jury for auditions and competitions such as the Steinway piano competition in Würzburg and Jugend musiziert in Düsseldorf. Marie-Theres Englisch's teaching includes courses for piano and Lied arrangement in Italy and Germany. She has taught at the Gütersloh Music School and at the Rhenisch School of Music in Cologne. Since 1973, Marie-Theres Englisch has taught piano at the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media in Düsseldorf and since then has taught students both of the church music program and in the main subject of Piano and Chamber Music and of the Institute For Music and Media. From 1999 to 2006 Marie-Theres Englisch was the equal opportunities officer of the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media. In 2005, the University Fundraising and Gender Diversity Management project was implemented at the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media at her request. The project was sponsored and funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The research project leader was Dr Friederike Preiß. In 2006, Marie-Theres Englisch was appointed an honorary professor by the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media. Prof. Marie-Theres Englisch lives in Düsseldorf and is mother of two children; her son is an anaesthetist, her daughter a singer.
Assistant professor for Piano marie-theres.englisch(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de Marie-Theres Englisch received her piano training from Friedrich Wilhelm Schnurr, Renate Kretschmar-Fischer, Max Strub (chamber music) and Günther Weißenborn (Lied accompaniment) at the North West German Academy of Music Detmold (now: Detmold University of Music). She took part in master classes with Jakob Gimpel and Thierry de Brunoff at the École normale supérieure Paris. She was given the opportunity by Sir John Pritchard (former chief conductor of the Cologne Opera) at the Cologne Opera to become acquainted with all the great operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from the conductor's perspective. The extensive number of concerts given by Marie-Theres Englisch includes Lieder recitals with IIse Hollweg and Herbert Lippert and chamber music in various ensembles. She frequently performed with musicians of the Gürzenich Orchestra, which is based in Cologne, and has also worked in various ensembles, for example, with Gabriele Schnaut, Aldo Baldin and Iris Vermillion. From 1982 to 2002, Marie-Theres Englisch was a member of the piano percussion ensemble in Düsseldorf, which, as part of a research contract of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia supervised by the former IMM professor Dr Lothar Prox, accompanied the silent film Berlin - The Symphony of a Great City by Walter Ruttmann with the recreated film music. In Lugano, Italy, this event was produced for the ZDF and the production broadcast later by ARTE. Her concert tours led her across Europe and the USA. She has also performed in Berlin at the International film festival in the Zoopalast cinema, in the Düsseldorf Tonhalle, in the Holland Festival in t'Vensterin Rotterdam, in the Asta Theatre in The Hague, in the Tuchnisky Theatre in Amsterdam, at the Frankfurter Feste in the Alte Oper concert hall in Frankfurt, in the London Film Festival in the Queen Elizabeth Hall, at the inauguration of the Goethe Institute in Los Angeles, in Stuttgart's Staatsgalerie, in Brüssels opera house Place de la Monnaie, in the Museum of Art in Atlanta, in the Musée du Louvre in Paris and at the Festpielene i Bergen in Norway. From 1989 to 1995, Marie-Theres Englisch undertook concert tours with the chanson singer Inge Brück as part of the series Künstler für Christus [artists for Christ]. From 1991 to 1998, she took on the management and execution of the chamber music concert series Kammermusik in der Scheune (about 30 concerts a year in Die Scheune and St Cäcilia church in Düsseldorf-Hubbelrath). Audio and video recordings were also taken during her concert performances. Since 2008 Marie-Theres Englisch has been a regular member of the jury for the Gedok competition, Cologne. She embraces her appointment as member of the jury alongside being on the jury for auditions and competitions such as the Steinway piano competition in Würzburg and Jugend musiziert in Düsseldorf. Marie-Theres Englisch's teaching includes courses for piano and Lied arrangement in Italy and Germany. She has taught at the Gütersloh Music School and at the Rhenisch School of Music in Cologne. Since 1973, Marie-Theres Englisch has taught piano at the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media in Düsseldorf and since then has taught students both of the church music program and in the main subject of Piano and Chamber Music and of the Institute For Music and Media. From 1999 to 2006 Marie-Theres Englisch was the equal opportunities officer of the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media. In 2005, the University Fundraising and Gender Diversity Management project was implemented at the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media at her request. The project was sponsored and funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The research project leader was Dr Friederike Preiß. In 2006, Marie-Theres Englisch was appointed an honorary professor by the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media. Prof. Marie-Theres Englisch lives in Düsseldorf and is mother of two children; her son is an anaesthetist, her daughter a singer.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de