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they don't need repair

The audiovisual installation they don’t need repair by Valentin Dudeck establishes a link between object and sound. The deliberate destruction of an object made of glass is transferred to the auditory level. As a result, the destruction continues to be audible beyond the moment of disintegration.
The chance configuration that occurs is scanned by a camera and through the individual positions of the fragments determines the sound, which is also made visible by the projection of the camera picture.  they don’t need repair was an exam project by Valentin Dudeck in the Visual Music major at the IMM of the Robert Schumann School of Music and Media Düsseldorf. Prof. Dr. Heike Sperling and <link en institute institute-for-music-and-media personen schmickler-marcus>Marcus Schmickler supervised the project.

Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0