The music video by Matthias Kulow combines photo manipulation with animation. The impression of a 3D space is created with the help of a virtual camera and by detaching individual elements of pictures and positioning them along the Z axis. The spaces produced in this way form the background for a further level – animation. Inspired by video projection, the six-sided forms move in various ways across surfaces, walls and objects, and ultimately into the space. Although the patterns of movement may seem random, they are deliberately programmed to match the music – events are imitated in the video sound track and thus visualized. The soundtrack, composed specifically for this project, can be considered part of the dubstep style genre and was composed entirely with an eye to the level of images. A total of over 100 photographs were used.
The project was carried out as a final assessment for the upper-level Visual Music 2 module under the supervision of Andreas Kolinski and Prof. Dr. Heike Sperling.
The project was carried out as a final assessment for the upper-level Visual Music 2 module under the supervision of Andreas Kolinski and Prof. Dr. Heike Sperling.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0