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Paketzentrum 47

The multi-channel sound sculpture with projection mapping Paketzentrum 47 was inspired by investigations into the origin, manufacture and material composition of a laptop. In this process the starting elements of the work were found: packaging material of entertainment electronics, images of the raw materials that are required to manufacture a laptop, and the recordings made by a mini-recorder that was forwarded in continuous operation. The work was conceived, designed, composed and programmed by Lukas Truniger, student of the Music and Media bachelor progam. The sculptures were developed together with Katharine Hauke, student of the Communication design diploma program at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. For the technical implementation of the projection mapping and the multi-channel sound, a specialist system in the programming environments SuperCollider and Max/MSP was developed. The documentary clip of the installation was realised by IMM students Julian Martinz and Björn Mauder. The work was produced as part of the majors Visual Music under Prof. Dr. Heike Sperling and Andreas Kolinski and Music Informatics under Prof. Julian Rohrhuber and Hannes Hölzl.

Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0