Mein Körper macht das mit mir [My Body Does That to Me]
The “tic concert” My Body Does That to Me by Yale Sevis is concerned with the question of controlling the individual through the body and mind. The performance deals with verbal and physical tic and obsessive-compulsive disorders, which trigger an oscillation between external control and self-determination. A process of interaction between loss of control and regaining control, oppression and discharge is shown. In this context, what possibilities does music or movement offer for controlling the voice and the body?
In the performance, the artist expresses herself through song, speech and movement, while the two dancers (Juliana Garaycochea and Kira Knoppe) interact with their vocal soundscape using body sensors.
Yale Sevis is supported by Suhyun Park (SuperCollider) and Moritz Schmolke (body sensors). My Body Does That to Me was an exam project by Yale Sevis for the Visual Music major at the Institute of Music and Media of the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf. The project was supervised by <link institute institut-fuer-musik-und-medien lehrende-mitarbeitende sperling-heike internal link in current>Prof. Dr. Heike Sperling and <link institute institut-fuer-musik-und-medien lehrende-mitarbeitende schmickler-marcus internal link in current>Marcus Schmickler.
Yale Sevis is supported by Suhyun Park (SuperCollider) and Moritz Schmolke (body sensors). My Body Does That to Me was an exam project by Yale Sevis for the Visual Music major at the Institute of Music and Media of the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf. The project was supervised by <link institute institut-fuer-musik-und-medien lehrende-mitarbeitende sperling-heike internal link in current>Prof. Dr. Heike Sperling and <link institute institut-fuer-musik-und-medien lehrende-mitarbeitende schmickler-marcus internal link in current>Marcus Schmickler.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0