Data transmission via audio signals

Sound and AV student Michael Kemkes is studying data transmission via audio signals as part of his thesis in the advanced-level <link en institute institute-for-music-and-media studienschwerpunkte>Music Informatics course.
The result of his work is two patches in the SuperCollider programming environment. Through the transfer of special patterns in the time and frequency domains and subsequent data processing, the works provide intuitive access to telecommunications transmission links.
The Talking Machines project created a message transceiver which operates based on audio signals. Varying interval-based audio signals are transmitted and converted into ASCII table characters. A transmission system consisting of a decoder and encoder was programmed to enable the translation of characters into sounds and vice versa. Thanks to the user interface implemented, the SuperCollider patch can even be experimented on by those new to the field of informatics.
The Midi-Trigger is a practical algorithm for use by musicians. The program allows the generation of sub-bass signals based on audio signal inputs. The fundamental frequency of an input signal is detected by means of an FFT routine. Data processing allows samples to be tuned to the frequency detected and triggered by signals. In this way, the supercollider patch makes it possible for musicians, such as drummers, to supplement bass drum signals with tuned samples.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0